Posh baked camembert

I found the idea for this recipe on Pinterest. I altered it a bit and made it match with the ingredients I found in the supermarket and the a matching wine.


The result does not only look, but also taste good. Try yourself!

Pimp my cheese

Turning this simple camembert cheese into a little feast, is my challenge today.


Normally you enjoy this cheese with some bread for German Abendbrot (= German cold dinner). Now let's take this to a new level! There is vegan cheese camembert style available in organic supermarkets, but they are expensive. The vegan version can be eaten cold, too.

You can purchase this small camambert in almost every supermarket. It's cheap and good.


Depending on your hunger, this recipe serves one hungry person or two...maybe as a nice dinner surprise for your darling.

First get some bowl that's likely to survive a ride in the hot oven. Put a few drips of olive oli into it and rub the area where the camembert will be placed in with that oil.


Better heat the oven now to 200 degrees Celsius. When you finished preparing the camembert and the sauce, your oven will be warm enough (in about 10 minutes).

Now place the unpacked camembert centered in that flat bowl.

Take & wash one ripe fig and cut it into halves.

Cut one half into quarters and put them aside for garnishing.


Cut the second half into small dices. They will join the sauce.

The base of the sauce, which comes ontop of the camembert is an apricot-mustard sauce. You may find mustard sauces like this in many well-stocked supermarkets.

Take a small handful of pistachios and cut them roughly.

Now mix the pistachios, the diced fig and the mustard sauce well in a small bowl.

Spread the sauce ontop of the camembert carefully. Then put it into the oven and bake it for 15 minutes.

After baking, put the hot (!!!) bowl on a small plate and a napkin to serve on. Place the quartered fig half on the baked camembert.


To add some spiciness and saltiness to this dish, place some tortilla chips around the baked camembert.

Now it's ready to serve. Enjoy!

For this posh baked camembert I chose an organic & vegan red wine from South Africa: A 2017 Stellar Organics Merlot, which will be reviewed in the wine 'n' veggies section soon.


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