Choy Sum - As healthy as it gets

Kale is considered as one of the most healthy veggies on earth. The Chinese kitchen has several sorts of kale to offer. 


Reason enough to introduce some of them. Here comes a very basic stir fry with Choy Sum.

Kale power made in China - Part 1

When you think of kale, you mustn't think of the kale you know from our Western world. Chinese kale is much slimmer and smaller, but just as healthy as their sisters we know. It is great for an alkaline diet. 


Choy Sum is known for its great health benefits as you can see in the wiki. 


Here now comes a very basic stir fry with choy sum to your wok:


First wash your choy sum well before you go on with your preparations.



Dry it carefully.



Separate the leaves from the stems. Cut the stems lengthwise into halves or even quarters to shorten their cooking time.  


Another important reason is, they are not that big for your mouth and they are cooked quite well in that short period of time.


Remember: The shorter the cooking time, the more vitamins you get!


I visited some Chinese restaurants, which had Chinese kale on their menu. But they chopped the kale just too roughly, so the pieces on the plate were big, and I had a hard time chewing on them, because they were just 'medium well'. By the way, you can eat your kale raw, too.



Cut a good slice of ginger in thin strips and one garlic clove into small dices.



Heat 2 tablespoon of coconut oil in the wok.



Now the real cooking process can start:



Put in the stems first, because they need more time to cook. After 2 minutes add the leaves, the garlic and the ginger. Keep stirring all the time!



After another minute add one or two tablespoons of soy sauce. I prefer the gluten free one. Also add a dash of sesame oil.



Cook & stir fry everything for a final minute and serve.


Now you have cooked an easy stir fry under 5 minutes.


Commonly Chinese restaurants in the Western hemisphere, which are more orientated to a Western eating habbits, serve rice with it. In original Chinese restaurants you always order a couple of different dishes and eat some rice inbetween those dishes to neutralize your palate.


For myself I chose a youtiao - a fried Chinese bread stick - this time, that tastes quite delicious with the Chinese kale. Please ask the vendor in the shop, if the youtiao was fried in vegan oil. Additionally I highly recommend some quality oolong tea with Chinese kale dishes. Enjoy!


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