485 Grad Pizzeria rules!

485 Grad (= 485 degrees Celsius) is a genuine concept bringing real Napolitanian pizza together with high quality wines.


And all is really natural, regional and mostly organic - without any artificial stuff.


Vegetarians will find some great offers here everytime.

Temperature is rising...

In 2015 the first 485 Grad restaurant opened in Cologne in the popular Kwartier Latäng (Latin quarter). A second restaurant followed by the end of 2015 in the Southern part of Cologne's city (Südstadt). All restaurants are frequented very well so far. More will follow in other German cities, if the applying franchisees can stand up to the high standards of 485 Grad.  

Pizza Napolitana in a flash

485 Grad is not only the fastest pizza in entire Germany, it's won an award for the best pizza in entire Germany. Crazy that this is NOT enough! The 485 Grad is the one and only pizzeria listed in the Gault Millau! How awesome is that??? 


Those pizzas come from classic to fancy over unusual to daredevil in just 60 seconds. Some positions change on the menu after a while, some don't.  


The other major part of the 485 Grad concept is wine - high quality wine...served with high quality pizza. To bringing in that quality Sebastian Georgi is the right guy: He is one of the German top sommeliers to select the best money-for-value wines by the glass up to prestigious bottles that really go perfect with the food. Sebastian has a huge drop on prestigious German Riesling wines, and is one of the two founders of 485 Grad.


Lars Zoellner is the other founder, a nerd and genius in business administration when it comes to plan and finance new gastro projects. A real perfectionist, so to say...


Here's something, to whet your appetite:

485 Grad is far more than pizza & wine

Besides pizza and wine, 485 Grad restaurants offer a wide selection of bottled craft beers and non-alcoholic beverages. Some fine spirits are available, too. On the menu you can find some nice starters. I can recommend the fresh, organic salads very much. 485 Grad has even their own merchandise.  


 Since a few years, vegan pizza and vegan wine can be found on the menu, too.


The atmosphere with 485 Grad is very important, too: Work with your colleagues - not against them - for the guests...and WE ALL will have fun! Values rule here.


In Düsseldorf the 485 Grad is also very popular for lunchbreak. The restaurant offers a daily lunch offer @ a special price. 


I actually hold an unbeaten record: I was the very first regular guest in Düsseldorf one day BEFORE they officially opened. Me, as a huge pizza lover,  discovered 485 Grad in their birth year in Cologne and became a regular even after the Düsseldorf restaurant was opened to meet dear friends in Cologne on regular basis.


Yes, I truly believe, this is the best pizzeria in Germany! Come and visit their website for more.


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