Bircher Müsli - a great Swiss cereal dish

Bircher Müsli is a cereal bowl with cereals, fresh fruits and cream. I fell in love with it, when I was working for Mövenpick Restaurants in the 90ies. Here's the recipe!

Breakfast Swiss style

Of course I did this Bircher Müsli a bit my own way again. It's completely vegan. Most of the ingredients are organic. 


If you prepare a whole big bowl of Bircher Müsli, you can have fun with it for an entire day - you'll need nothing else to eat! ...But you know: sharing is caring. So invite some friends for breakfast and enjoy!


Let's get it started and grab a big bowl, after you've purchased the whole stuff!

At the organic supermarket I saw a special offer for blueberry soy yoghurt I instantly grabbed. This is a great base for Bircher Müsli. Normally they take plain fresh yoghurt for it. This is half a litre to be put in a big bowl.  

Here are fresh blueberries and raspberries - 125 g each - to be washed before they join the soy yoghurt.

Get one apple ready and cut it into small pieces. Let the apple join the other fruits. 

There are other recipes, that add red currants, too. Here I have some dried red currants with my cereals, which I will add later. 

Now add the juice of half or up to a whole lime and 100 ml or more coconut milk to the bowl. All to your taste.


Normally lemon juice and liquid cream is used.

The cereals I chose for my Bircher Müsli are sugar free. This does not mean artificial sweeteners, but the sweetness in it comes from dries raspberries, red currants and raisins. I added 2 cups of it. 

Let's stir it all up!

Put it in the fridge for at least one hour.

After the cereals have soaked up the soy yoghurt and the fruit juice, it's ready to serve.

Fill small bowls with healthy portions for you and your friends. If you have some berries left, use the for garnishing. This is a great & healthy breakfast dish to start the day! 


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