During my latest restaurant review I saw an interesting pizza, that looked simply awesome, but it was only vegetarian. I wanted that pizza so bad, I created a vegan version of it. My first attempt was not bad. Here is the result!
This is a so-called white pizza - a pizza bianca, because it has no tomato sauce on it. I invite you to try it. Enjoy!
The light side of pizza
There are three types of traditional Italian pizza:
- The classic version with the basic toppings tomato sauce and cheese
- The pizza rosso without cheese. Pizza Marinara is a classic example.
- The pizza bianca without tomato sauce. As an alternative there can be a light sauce or melted cheese on it
All these pizzas can be made in a vegan version.
This pizza bianca is simple, but indeed extraordinary and unusual.
- pizza dough like you find it in my recipe
- 3 - 4 fresh figs
- 200 grams vegan feta, that melts well in the oven
- a handful of lavender blossoms
- some maple leaf syrup
- Roll out the pizza dough on a baking tray and shape it in a desired round form like a pizza
- Heat your oven up to 220 ° celsius
- Crush at least 2/3 of the vegan feta and spread it all over the pizza
- Cut the fresh figs into quarters and place them in a circle on the pizza. You can place some pieces in the center of the pizza as well.
- Dice the remaining 1/3 of the vegan feta and spread it all over the pizza. Alternatively you may put the diced feta on the pizza just after you have taken the pizza out of the oven.
- Pour about 1 teaspoon of maple syrup over the figs
- Put the pizza into the oven for 15 minutes until the feta covering the pizza has melted completely and the edges have become brown and crisp
- Take the pizza out of the oven and let it cool down for 5 minutes
- Sprinkle the lavender blossoms all over the pizza
- Cut the pizza and serve
- Enjoy!
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